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Call us! 718 678-7401
Call us! 718 678-7401
Wood Windows
Wood windows are the best choice for those who trust wood and wish to have modern wooden windows installed in their homes in order to reduce energy consumption.
They are suitable for newly built and renovated buildings alike
The Windows are made of longitudinally jointed spruce & Oak
timber. These are high quality windows at an attractive price.

Ug = 0,6 W/m2K
Uw = 0,88 W/m2K
Wooden Windows Jelostar
Wooden energy-efficient windows with triple glazing and two rain protection profiles. These windows are the best choice for those who trust wood and wish to have modern wooden windows installed in their homes in order to reduce energy consumption. Jelostar windows are suitable for low-energy houses.
Wooden Windows Jelopasiv
Wooden passive windows for an efficient contribution to the energy consumption reduction in objects. Triple glazed-windows, two rain protection profiles and two weather seals. Together with laminated wood, filled with insulation material they make for the best warmth insulation value windows. Jelopasiv Wood windows are suitable for low-energy and passive houses.

Ug = 0,6 W/m2K
Uw = 0,73 W/m2K

Ug = 0,6 W/m2K
Uw = 0,88 W/m2K
Wooden Windows Jelostil
Modern wooden windows with a touch of tradition.These windows are recommended for renovation of protected cultural properties, old city cores or simply to add a touch of hominess. Jelostil wooden windows are a perfect detail on a rustic architecture. Equipping the windows with cross bars and grilles brings you one step closer to the old city houses, traditional and rustic architecture. There is a variety of cross-bars and grilles for wood windows to choose from.

Ug = 0,8 W/m2K
Uw = 1,1 W/m2K
Wooden Windows Ekoterm
Wooden energy-efficient windows Ekoterm offer an excellent price performance. Windows with triple glazing, which improves the window's insulation properties. Furnished with two built-in window seals and rain protection profiles on the window casement and on the window frame.

Ug = 0,9 W/m2K
Uw = 1,1W/m2K
Wooden Windows Ekolight
Ekolight windows are lighter in weight than comparable triple-glazed windows. The new type of glass incorporated in the Ekolight windows provides exceptional insulation qualities because of which these windows achieve above-average insulation performance. Ekolight Windows are designed in perfect coexistence with nature. The cross joint inside the wooden frame provides exceptional solidness which is not common practice in windows of this price range.

Ug = 1,1 W/m2K
Uw = 1,3 W/m2K
Wooden Windows Jeloterm
Jeloterm wooden windows are a standard model window with two rain protection profiles. They are suitable for newly built and renovated buildings alike. If low investment and energy efficiency is your target, Jeloterm windows present the right choice. Jeloterm windows are a standard model wooden windows at an attractive price. The Windows have double-glazing and two serial built in rain protection profiles.

Ug = 1,1 W/m2K
Uw = 1,3 W/m2K
Wooden Windows Jelotech
Wooden windows with a single rain protection profile are suitable for newly built and renovated buildings alike. If you trust wood and natural materials and price is the key factor in your decision then Jelotech wooden windows are the perfect choice. The Windows are made of longitudinally jointed spruce timber. These are high quality windows at an attractive price.